Why I'm Not Reformed
The theology most likely to be correct – at least so it seems to me - is the one that makes Matthew 28:19-20 the most important. Any theology that downplays the importance of missions would have a very hard time explaining itself to me in terms that made me likely to believe it. This is true of any area of theology, including eschatology. Any eschatology that makes missions less important seems untenable to me, no matter how sound your arguments appear at face value. This is my main issue with Reformed theology. The entire system downplays the Great Commission. If you asked most Reformed Theologians why do missions matter, the only answer is “because Jesus commanded it.” Now, that’s true, but it rings hollow. If the Elect are going to be redeemed regardless, that removes the urgency to take the message to the uttermost parts of the earth. But if God desires that all men be saved and come to the knowledge of the Truth, and the way that happens is by way of faithf...